I Discovered that individual enterpreneurs as well as corporations are having a hectic time researching about SEO and decided to instead research for them.
Seos are consultants who help you with the location your page will show up on an inquiry. The closer your page appears at the top, the more look-into s it will have. The seo consultants will help you design your page so that the information is as close to the top as possible.
Its also a combination of of tactics and strategies, including, but not limited to, optimization of information architecture, usability, content focus, audience targeting, design, development, keyword research on search engines such as google, keyword placement, link building, social media marketing and any other online or offline branding/marketing elements that support the goal of receiving more traffic from search engines.
Hope this satisfies your inquiry appropriately.
thank you for you have tried to answer my quetion. this has greatly assisted me